
Giulia Randazzo

Palermo, Italy



Season 2020/2021

INCONFESSABILE VERDI new dramaturgy from Verdi
Palazzo del Governatore in Parma, XX Festival Verdi / VERDIOFF
Production “Fabbrica” Young Artisti Program of the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma
Virtual Performance on for the “World Opera Day” 2021


Season 2019/2020

La vedova allegra by Lehár, in German and in concert form
Visual project signed with the set designer Giulia Bellè
Circo Massimo (Conductor Stefano Montanari)

INCONFESSABILE VERDI new dramaturgy from Verdi
XX Festival Verdi “Scintille d’Opera” / VERDIOFF, Fondazione Teatro Regio di Parma
Production “Fabbrica” Young Artist Program oh the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma



Sogni di Spettri [site-specific] mise-en-éspace dedicated to the sculpture and voices installation by Pulsoni-Nerli-Sasso
Production of the Embassy of Italy in Switzerland for the XIX Week of the Italian language in the World, Bern/Basel

Woman in Red urban performance from Carmen by Bizet
“La Notte dell’Opera 2019”, Macerata Opera Festival

Macbeth #NOBUDGET inspired from Shakespeare’s tragedy
Piccola Compagnia Italiana with the support of the Laboratori di Barriera in Turin and Accademia di Belle Arti of Macerata, Turin / Macerata

La Sonata a Kreutzer from Tolstoj and Beethoven
Dionisiache 2015 – Calatafimi Segesta Festival

Menzogne e sortilegi [site-specific] inspired from Elsa Morante’s life and oepras
Production “Contemporaneo Sensibile” – M.D.A. for Museo di arte contemporanea of Sicily

Sera d’autunno by Dürrenmatt
Piccola Compagnia Italiana & Roma Teatri

Essere Elettra from Sofocle, with excerpts from Eschilo, Lucrezio, Crébillon father, Voltaire, Hofmannsthal, Yourcenar
Teatro Antico in Tindari (with the support of Fondazione Piccolomini for the Accademia Nazionale D’Arte Drammatica Silvio D’Amico in Rome)

Nessuna nuova… by E. Vassallo
19th Festival Internazionale del Teatro, Rome

E io sarò una donna che sorride inspired from Sylvia Plath’s life and opera
Spazio Macro, Rome

Τρωάδες. Le donne Troiane from Euripide and Sartre, with excerpts from Eschilo, Marlowe, Omero, Ovidio, Szymborska
Production Trumpelia Machine

Hai mai sentito parlare del Don Giovanni? study on Dom Juan by Molière
“Fantasio Piccoli” – IX Festival Internazionale di Regia Teatrale, Naples / Trento



Doctorate (Ph.D. & Doctor EUROPÆUS) with a thesis on “Theater’s Pedagogical Anthropology”, University of Macerata, 2014
Visiting Ph.D. Student with research programme on Theatre Anthropology and Actor Training at Institut für Theaterwissenschaft – FU Berlin, Germany; Faculty of Education-University of Cambridge, United Kingdom; Université de Rouen, France



Three mentions at the Parodos Prize for Essere Elettra: best set design, best original musics, best actress (Teatro Antico in Tindari, 2014)
“Miticanti” Prize for the best show with  Τρωάδες. Le donne Troiane (Teatro Politeama Garibaldi in Palermo, 2011)
Critic Prize for the best direction and Public Prize with Hai mai sentito parlare del Don Giovanni?, selections for “Fantasio Piccoli” – Festival internazionale di Regia Teatrale (Naples, 2006)
